The essential elements are the following:
This has to do with curriculum, programs and services attune to 21st Century Learning Framework. The focus is not only on learning skills, information and technology skills but above all on life skills such as decision-making and problem-solving, self-initiative and direction, maturity and responsibility, flexibility, and adaptability, teamwork and collaboration.
The task of the school is not only to inform the stakeholders but to challenge them to change for the better. This means approaching the ideal attributes and internalizing the core values of faith, integrity, competence and loving service.
The different stakeholders namely the administrators, teachers, non-teaching personnel, students, and alumni are united by the same goals of quality Catholic education.
Our parochial school is born out of the mission of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus was commissioned by the Father and the Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and the Son, the Church and our parochial schools are sent to bring the Good News to stakeholders.