Junior High School Objectives

The High School Department aims to:
  • Inculcate moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God,
  • Develop an enlightened, patriotic, useful, and upright citizenry in a democratic society,
  • Instill habits of industry and thrift and prepare individuals to contribute to the economic development and wise conservation of the nation's natural resources,
  • Maintain family solidarity, improve community life, perpetuate all that are desirable in our natural heritage, and serve the cause of world peace,
  • Promote science, arts and letters for the enrichment of life and recognition of dignity of the human person,
  • Develop in the student the basic vocational knowledge,
  • Prepare the students for higher education for an effective study therein,
  • Prepare the students to be proficient in order to be responsible citizens of the 21st century and to compete in the workforce, and
  • Prepare the students for leadership in the community and become responsible citizens in a democratic country.